Don't forget to follow this blog for a continuous update of MIND BOGGLING FACTS! :)
If you are willing to sit in bed for 87 days, for a research on the effects of zero gravity on your body, NASA will pay you $15000
Students in Denmark get paid to go to school.
A woman trying to commit suicide from the Eiffel Tower, landed on a car and later married the owner of the car.
There is a village in England called "Bitchfield."
Coke drinkers are more likely to graduate college than Pepsi drinkers.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Three men managed to break the Guinness World Record by driving through the 48 connected states in 97 hours and 7 minutes. The total millage was almost 7,000 miles
Marilyn Manson once wrote the word “Fuck” on his face to stop paparazzi from taking his photos as they won't be able to print and sell them.
Saturday, 17 August 2013
Athazagoraphobia is an uncontrollable fear of being forgotten, ignored, replaced or abandoned.
Sexual frustration describes the condition in which a person is in a state of stress or anxiety due to prolonged sexual inactivity.
American cockroach is one of earth's fastest running insects reaching speeds comprable to a human running at 210 mph.
The production staff for "The Exorcist" believed they had created a real demon and had a priest come bless the set.
Walt Disney gave his housekeeper Disney stocks every year for the holidays. She died a multi-millionaire.
Scientifically, blue-eyed people are mutants, the mutation occurred between 6,000 and 10,000 years ago.
During the making of the movie "The Passion of the Christ" the actor who played Jesus was struck by lightning during crucifixion scene.
There is a neurological condition called "Synesthesia" in which a patient can actually see, smell and taste lyrics while listening to music.
In Arizona, there's a town named "Nothing" and the town literally has nothing but a gas station and a population of 4 people.
Steve Jobs dropped the first iPod in water to show it was too big by the amount of bubbles coming out.
In 1955, someone dropped a 600+ year old plaster Buddha statue... to discover the plaster was actually covering a solid gold statue.
In 2012, boxer Floyd Mayweather had only two fights, totalling less than one hour in the ring and earned $85 million.
Magic Johnson earned just over $18 million in salary. In retirement he used that money to launch a business empire called Magic Johnson Enterprises that is valued at over $1 billion today.
In the entire state of Ohio in 1895, there were only two cars on the road and the drivers of those two cars crashed into each other.
In England, a failed suicide attempt used to be illegal and was punishable by death.